Monday, June 15, 2015

My Wasted Youth

I drank too much but I had fun doing it. When I couldn't remember having the fun when drinking I could still remember that I did have fun when drinking. But usually I did remember having the fun.

Hill Climb
Mildly dangerous vertical, fast hill climbing.

I did not save any money. I had too much fun spending it.

I had a job so I had money. Not a lot, but enough to waste it if I didn't worry about saving or investing any of it.

1972 - On my 1961 Matchless
1972 - On my 1961 Matchless
Carefree and immortal, as long as immortal meant living to forty or more. Okay, maybe only thirty.

I was not afraid of death. Wasn't too fond of pain, though. But I didn't let that stop me, pain is part of life. If it hurts, live with it, unless it kills you, or if it is just too painful. But that's what Doctors are for, to fix the damage and make the pain go away.

Bootcamp 1970
I accomplished nothing Earth-shattering or world-changing. I did not get rich or famous. But I did spend twenty years in the Navy knowing that my immortality could be cut short just doing what needed to be done. But with a purpose, not just a job. So I did accomplish something important. And even that was usually enjoyable, if not downright fun.

Would I do anything different if I could do it again? Retaining my current knowledge, of course. Damn straight I would.

Would I save or invest any money for the future? Probably not, or at least not much. Still might not live long enough to spend it.

Would I drink too much? Yes! Maybe not as much or as often, or both. But the answer is still yes.

Would I do all the stupid things again? Maybe not all of them but most? Yes.

Would I do all the stupidly dangerous things again? Definitely yes! That was the most fun stuff of all.

So was my youth actually wasted? I don't think so.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My Critique of Annet (a photograph)

Annet by photoportAnnet by photoport

My critique of Annet by photoport on DeviantArt can be found here.

 Exercise your brain by reading the critique.

Relax your eyes by enjoying the professional photograph of a beautiful woman.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Today's Reality

Reality today is cataracts, mild glaucoma and a small change in my eyeglasses prescription. The result of my eye exam this morning (did the first sentence give this part away? Oops).

It also rained some (yay!). Still a lot of clouds up there, maybe we'll get some more rain. If we're lucky.

I'm still fat. Trying to get the motivation to do something about that before I get diabetes.

I am still handsome, even for an old guy like me. :)

It's hot and getting hotter. It's natural, this is a desert and it's almost summer. No problem.

My mind is still floating around somewhere looking for a place to land.

This is enough for you today, no need to overload you.